Sunday, July 29, 2007

Trick Wire: Showboys: Some Gay Sensibilities

I had recently Googled my name and was intrigued that my name was found on the Trick Wire Website. I clicked the link and definately read the post and would like to hear from the person that wrote the article. So, if this is you reading it, please email me at If this is not you and would like to read the article, please click on the link at the bottom of this post.

Trick Wire: Showboys: Some Gay Sensibilities#links#links

Saturday, July 28, 2007

North Halstead Street Market Days

The North Halstead Street Market Days in Chicago is rapidly approaching and is scheduled for August 10 through August 13, 2007. Last year I had a blast out there and had one hell of a good time at the bars later, all you have to do is ask my friend Matt Clemens, who had to come get me off of Halstead Street with no Shirt on and my pants unbottoned in front of the Police Precinct in Chicago, I had no idea where I was at!!! Oh well, no one went to jail, thankfully. But, I will be there once again partying it up with everyone in Chicago once again. Hope to meet some of you guys there and maybe make some new contacts in the way of work. If you see me, make sure you stop me and say hi.

TORN!! Which one to choose?

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

New Things Coming Soon

Hey, just wanted to quickly put something up on here letting you all know I have some new things coming up and Would definately like to say Welcome Abord to Rainbow Pennell, she is my newest booking assistant working with me to get me out to see all of you. I will post more later.

Love all of you.
-Shai Keyon